Our Church

Macclesfield Methodist Church aims to serve the local community by opening its doors to people of all ages. We provide not only weekly church services, but also social functions, fund-raisers, clubs and sporting events to both our congregation and members of the public.
Our Worship

We are a fairly traditional Methodist congregation, worshipping together every Sunday from 10.30am - 11.30am. We use Hymns & Psalms, Singing the Faith & Songs of Fellowship and drawing from other musical sources. Worship is led by ministers or local preachers, supported by worship leaders.
Children and Families

"Don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity"
1 Timothy 4 The Message
We encourage involvement of children and young people throughout the life of the church. From birth through to leaving college, there are a variety of activities and church groups available to our younger members and friends to be found in our Children and families section . We are also part of the national Methodist Children & Youth.
Support in the Community

"To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill"
Charles Wesley Hymn 1762
John Wesley, who founded Methodism, believed passionately in social action and justice as part of our call to be Christians. We continue in that belief by the outworking of our Christian faith in our local community.