Church Groups
Community Choir

Our choir meets every Thursday from 7.15pm to 9.15pm. As the word ’community’ suggests the choir’s membership of around 50 singers includes friends from the wider Macclesfield area.
Friday Coffee Morning

The Church runs a coffee morning on a Friday between 10am and 12noon. Everyone is very welcome to drop in for a chat and some friendly company, a cup of tea or coffee, biscuits, and even a slice of home made cake.
Ladies Circle

The Ladies Circle meet fortnightly on a Thursday afternoon from 2p.m. They enjoy a varied programme with speakers and members' afternoons. Light refreshments are served and all are made welcome.
Movement to Music

We meet on Mondays from 10.30 – 11.30 usually working in 6 week sessions. The class caters for a mixed age group of varying abilities. Our teacher is a qualified Keep Fit Association instructor who adapts the routines.
Wesley Guild

On the third Tuesday in the month from October to April a group of about 30 of us meet as the Wesley Guild to share in fellowship and listen to a variety of interesting speakers.
Walking Group

The Macclesfield Methodist Church Walking Group walk together on the 3rd Saturday of the month. The aim is to provide an opportunity to get to know each other better and make new friends as well as to enjoy the beauty.