Sunday School
Our Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and offers activities for children and young people aged from 3 years to teens.
We also welcome babies and toddlers and encourage parents to stay with their little ones and to share in the activities of our Primary Group (ages 3 to 6) as appropriate.
Our aim is to provide a welcoming, fun and friendly environment in which the young people can build friendships with other children and our leaders and together grow in the Christian faith. We enjoy a variety of activities tailored to the relevant age groups including bible stories, art, crafts, music, drama, topical discussion, games and puzzles. Regular puppet shows, presented by our teenage group, are popular with the younger children and offer an interactive means of sharing bible message / stories.
We join the congregation towards the end of the service and share with them what we have been doing in Sunday School.
Every 3 months, as part of our usual morning session, we hold a Messy Church Sunday Club. Particularly aimed at children up to age 11, the youngsters have chance to participate in a variety of crafts linked into a biblical theme. We generally have 20 25 young people at Crafty Kids with the teenagers helping out as leaders with the younger children.
We also hold an Easter Holiday Club and other ad hoc events such as family picnic, pantomime trip, ten pin bowling enabling us to develop our fellowship together. Why not come along and see for yourself we would love to meet you!
We have experienced members who can provide creche facilities as required for the under 3’s.